icon Why Does This One Couch From West Elm Disintegrate?

Why Does This One Couch From West Elm Disintegrate?

West Elm is one of the best destinations to shop for furniture and decor, from affordable loveseats and futons to high-end modular sectionals that fit seamlessly into living rooms of any size. Their vast selection is sure to have something suitable for every taste and budget!

However, that doesn't mean all West Elm seating options are of excellent quality or safe for children and pets. One couch has become notorious for its subpar quality: Anna Hezel wrote an essay for The Awl about how her beloved West Elm Peggy sofa began disintegrating within weeks after purchase and quickly found herself surrounded by Peggy truthers who felt similarly about their own couches - such that West Elm has decided to remove this item from its website altogether and offer full refund or replacement.

Hezel's essay details how her and her partner purchased Peggy furniture in July 2014; soon thereafter, it began disintegrating - any contact with its fabric would send buttons flying across her apartment! Many other customers took to social media sharing their stories of poor Peggy construction.

Hezel's essay brought attention to this problem, yet many individuals had long expressed frustration over this sofa. According to Instagram comments from users who bought them, some saw them begin disassembling within weeks of purchase while other complained of an ineffective customer service unit that told them they should hire an upholsterer locally to fix the issue.

West Elm has discontinued Peggy from their website and are offering customers who purchased one between 2014 and July this year, either a full refund or replacement option. They encourage customers to bring the sofa into one of their stores so it can be assessed and potentially swapped out with alternative solutions.

Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma have announced plans to offer replacement couches if any Peggy sofas become defective, yet have yet to elaborate as to their reasoning for doing so. Both brands are known for adhering to high safety and quality standards in their product lines.

West Elm offers a selection of sofas to fit every space and lifestyle imaginable, from modular styles to large sectionals and sleeper sofas. We scoured their website in search of their top picks to come up with our list.

If you're in search of a West Elm sofa that combines modernity and modularity, check out their Haven 2 Piece Bump Chaise Sectional. Available in several fabrics to meet any color or pattern preference, it is also easy to assemble and fits into most rooms, making it a smart option for small apartments or studio apartments. While expensive, it might just be worth your while investing.

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